It just started raining ten minutes ago. In fact, it's pouring.
On Sunday, we made our quarterly pilgrimage to the west side to get some sun. We ate at a place called Quinn's Almost By the Sea, which served the best fish and chips on the island. It was ono. It was also ono; that is to say, the fish they fry is called ono, one of my favorites. You gotta appreciate a fish that's so good the Hawaiian word for it is 'delicious.' We also had crab-stuffed mushrooms. Also ono. Onolicious, in fact. Broke da mout'! We like to check our old vacation hotels and any others where we might want to stay for a night in the future. The Sheraton Keauhou Bay is nice. They've completely remodeled it. I hear their Luau is pretty good.
Today, I'm finally going to pick up my tea cuttings. The antioxidant farm is beginning to take shape.
Whew! It's pouring so hard I can hardly hear myself think. We get plenny ua now, brah! Of course, I'm a pretty quiet thinker. In fact, I try to avoid thinking whenever possible.
Right now, we are experiencing ua hoeele (continuous rain). Some might call it ua ho'okina (excessive rain). On Kauai, the news is reporting the possibility of wai halana (flood water).
Spell check hates it when I used Hawaiian words.
A hui hou. Aloha!