I know that writers are lousy but enthusiastic dancers. They are great huggers. Some are good singers. A few play guitars. One, I hear, plays the oboe. I play the ukulele. Badly. Badly is an adverb and adverbs are for sissies. Where was I? Oh yes. Writers. They are adventurers and homebodies. They are flirts and back-patters. And huggers. Did I mention that? It's true, especially at the end of a two week intensive residency. They stand in awe of their colleagues' eloquence, wit, lyrical prowess and overall, kick ass wordsmithin.' Writers are sensitive - especially poets. They ache to tell stories. They tell them in verse. They tell them with prose. It's what writers do. Besides dance badly, that is. Shit. Am I a sissy or what? Writers drink. Boy howdy can they drink. Howdy! Writers need encouragement. We are fragile. If you don't understand us, you'd do well to support us. We do not need encouragement to drink, however, nor is prodding required to make us dance.
As humans, we are nothing without our stories.