It still raining. Really, this sucks.
Hmmmm.... What's new? Right now, I'm sipping a nice Spanish tempranillo which I opened with, of all things, a twist of the wrist. Yes, screw tops are growing in popularity and are no longer for the cheapest, crappiest of wines. This one's a 2005 Riscal. It's light, as tempranillos are want to be, fruit up front but not over-the-top, a touch of pepper and a smooth, slightly tannic finish. I'm enjoying it. Perfect with Spaghetti.
Lucy is curled up in the corner of the couch. Mr. Sox just came in, soaked, water beading up on his back. Now, he's washing his face. The little ones are off somewhere, napping, or snacking. Hoppsy is here, in a ball on her favorite, cushy living room bed, licking her paw. Doc is outside, where it's cooler, listening for evil invaders. Ron is in the tub. Abner ran into the bathroom when he heard the water running, thinking the tub occupant was me. He likes Ron alright, but he l-o-o-o-o-o-o-ves me. We've just finished eating and I'm watching Dancing with the Stars. I'm totally bummed that my favorite show, Kyle XY, is over.
We met a new, cute dog on our walk this morning. Coco. Doc fell head over heals. He became instantly obsessed. He drooled on her, leaving this slimy, foamy skid mark on her back. It reminding me of a certain scene in There's Something About Mary. I guess there's also something about Coco.
Apparently, it's sunny in most parts of Hawaii- Waikiki, Maui, Kona - just not here. But here I am, hanging out in this dreary part of the rainforest, marveling at the invasive trees, ogling the occasional passing pig, feeling the dampness seep into my bones, my bones shriveling for lack of vitamin D, watching the grass grow, the mold grow, the rust grow. Ah, but it's fine, really. Because I have wine. And thin mints.