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Costco crusade, made in the shade

After a malasada for the road and lunch at the Kona Inn, Ron and I combed the aisles of Costco. That was our Sunday. It was a cash and carry day. Costco only takes American Express or cash. I guess they take debit cards too, but Homey (the Financial Planner) don't play dat. We used to have an American Express card. It was Ron's business card, although I was an authorized signer. He had the thing for 30 years and never missed a payment. I almost never use it, but have on several occasions over the years. Historically, we'd call Amex customer service to let them know that I would be using the card. We tried that again recently. I had planned to got to town and Ron thought he'd just give me the American Express card to stock up on some business supplies he needed. He called Amex and got an agent in India with a very heavy accent. The guy, who identified himself as Kevin or Steve or some other bogus Anglified name, told him that I could no longer use the card, despite the fact that my name was on the account. I had to acquire my own card with my name on it, even though it would have the same account number printed on it. That would cost us a fee, of course. So Ron explained that he had been a customer for 30 years and that we had both been named on the account for much of that time and that this had never been a problem before. He asked if they couldn't just send us another card. He mean't for free, of course. No dice. Ron asked to speak to a manager. He was then transferred to another heavy accent, this time in the Fillipines. This person confirmed what the first dude had said. At least, that's what Ron thinks he heard. He asked to be transferred to customer service in the U.S. and was denied. So, he canceled the card.
Now, Ron and I both understand that the main reasons for this change in policy are 1) security (a good reason) and 2) money (a greedy bad reason). Certainly if I'm signing the receipt it's better if the card has my name on it. Of course, they could have simply offered to send us a duplicate card with my name on it. But no-o-o-o-o. Then they'd be out $75.
The next day, an American from American Express (go figure), called Ron to ask why he had canceled the card. The guy begged him to reconsider. He gave Ron the whole, "You've been a valued customer for 30 years," speech. Ron explained that the change in policy and unyielding adherence to the new one was silly, especially when applied to a long time, loyal customer. He also vented that he did not appreciate how painstakingly difficult it had been for him to explain his point to agents whom he could not understand and whom he felt did not understand nor care about him. The American did not offer to waive the new policy, nor would he send a free card. He again asked Ron to reconsider. No dice. And no more Amex.
When it rains, it pours. This time I'm speaking figuratively, not about the actual weather. An editor from the local independent paper called to see if I can help with his Arts and Entertainment section. The AAUW (American Association of University Women) wants me to write profiles on speakers for an upcoming retreat. I got a job offer at a local coffee mill. The winery now likes my idea of visiting the wine stewards and chefs around the island and convincing them to carry one or more of our wines in their restaurants. To top it all off, I may have discovered plan B. In fact, while plan A - Law School - is still on the table, plan B is now quite compelling. I had originally thought plan B would have me picking up graphic arts/web design training and going into business for myself. I'm not the most artistic person in the world, however, though I've been told I have a way with words. So I may consider pursuit of a MFA in Creative Writing. It would get me through a finished manuscript that could very well be good enough to publish. It would also qualify me to teach composition and other writing classes at the college level. There are about 20 schools across the country that offer MFA's with what's known as a low-residency requirement. That means you only have to be on campus a couple of times each year, for a week or two at a time. The rest of the semester you work from home, interacting with faculty via the Internet while continuing to live your life. The coolest program I've seen is the one offered by the University of Alaska, however I plan to apply to several programs. I still think I'll retake the LSAT and, if that goes well, I'll have even more options. Either way, prospects are lookin' up. Shoot's bruddahs and seestahs. Da fewcha's so bright, I gotta weah shades!
A hui hou. Aloha!


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