I've definitely got a nuckle - oma . Yep. I do. Let me explain. Some time ago, a dear friend of mine was complaining of some soreness in her thumb. The joint was stiff and had been troubling her. We jokingly decided it must be cancer and dubbed it her " thumbanoma ." My thumbs are fine (for now) but the first two joints on my index and middle finger, right hand, are acting up. They're stiff and sore and a little inflamed . Nuckle - oma . Friday, I started studying for the LSAT (Law School Admissions Test). Why, you ask? I guess my answer to that is, "Why not? I'm not dead yet." It's just an experiment really. If I study (or, more accurately practice) for the test and score miserably, then I'll know I'm not, nor was I probably ever law school material. If I score respectably, I'll apply just for giggles. If I get accepted, I might just go. Why not. I'm not dead yet. And the jobs in my field aren't exactly plentiful here. Ron conti...