The good news is that she came through her ordeal just fine and is loving the all-wet food she's been getting. It's back to the crunchy stuff tomorrow.
We have lost yet another employee at the winery. My friend Mandy is moving on. Today is her last. She's worked there for nearly five years and has recently scored a position at Macy's, hocking cosmetics. It's the perfect job for her. She's a girly girl who is always put together perfectly. I will miss her. She has been one of my favorite co-workers. We always have a blast. Our staff is now reduced to a skeleton crew; a skeleton missing a few bones. Applicants are coming out of the woodwork. We've had people call and drop off resumes from as far away as Waimea and Kona. You know the economy is bad when people are considering a drive of two hours for a job that pays peanuts. We even got a call from O'ahu over the weekend. I'm not sure how lucrative that would be, considering a round trip ticket is upwards of $160 bucks. I'm sure we'll find someone good and fun. I hope so.
Speaking of resumes, does everyone not know it's a good idea to have someone proofread the thing before you spread it around? One woman listed a job she had held where screening bills for authenticity was a key component. She wrote the word counterfeit as counter fit. She also describe more then a certain amount of experience at something else she had done. Another applicant touted his Inter Personal skills. He wrote it as two words and capitalized it just like that. I know I'm being a bit of a grammar snob and the job is not brain surgery. I forgive the occasional typo. But really, counter fit?
Today, I volunteered to help the ladies at the AAUW register voters in lower Puna. It could be fun. We'll set up at Malama Market, always a good vantage point for people watching. Anyplace in lower Puna provides that. I think I have a tie-die t-shirt. I'll wear that to fit in. No dreadlocks, though. Can't do anything about that on short notice.
I'm just about ready to send my first packet of work to my mentor at the university. I've written two stories and some other stuff: critiques, responses to readings, etc. I've got exactly one week to get it all together. I'm on it!
A hui hou. Aloha!