When I returned, I learned that our veggie garden, as small as it is, has produced some fine results. The bean plants are flowering. Some are even sporting tiny baby beans.
On my way back from the mainland, I picked up a copy of Rolling Stone Magazine and learned why the populace has so little confidence in the current economy despite what all the government statistics are telling us. It's because while the riches, top .1 percent of the population gets exponentially richer, the poorest are getting poorer and the middle class is disappearing. That's due to many factors, outlined in clear and obvious detain in the article. Check it out.
I also learned that mega-pork farms are bad. Really bad. If the cruel conditions in which the pigs are kept doesn't get to you, then the pollution these farms generate should. If you don't care about that because you are lucky enough not live near one, then the pesticides and antibiotics they are constantly treated with, not to mention the swill they are fed, should make you squirm. What are they fed? Everything, including the ground up remains of their dead brethren, other pigs who have kicked the bucket because of the horrid conditions in which they all struggle to survive. There is nothing healthy about these pigs. They are the product of Smithfield Foods, the largest pork producer in the world. They are responsible for billions of pounds of pork in supermarkets everywhere, packaged under many labels. My advice: buy organic or all natural, drug free pork, produced locally if you can get it, the old fashioned way by small farmers. It may cost a little more, but you won't glow in the dark after you eat it. And you can rest a little easier knowing you did not pad the pockets of the evil, calloused, money grubbing corporate executives at Smithfield. Curious? Check it out. Rolling Stone Magazine. It's not just for head bangers anymore. Actually, Rolling Stone has long been known for it's cutting edge exposes. Why they insist on putting Snoop Dogg on the cover when they've got great content like this is beyond me.
I had a job interview yesterday at the Volcano Winery. I should know in a day or two if I got the job. Meanwhile, today's paper has an ad for a real job; a communications position with Hawaii County. It pays really well and is exactly the job toward which my degree was geared. So I've just got to apply. A real job could be fun for awhile.
A hui hou. Aloha!